Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What is Mantra Meditation?

     Most of us are at least somewhat familiar with idea of meditation. When we think of meditation, the image that might come to mind is of a person sitting quietly with legs folded in some remote place, attempting to quite the activities of the mind and senses.
      Although a mantra meditation practice can be done in this way, the external environment is not so essential for achieving success in the practice. The focus of this mantra meditation practice is on the mantra, or sound, being chanted/repeated by the practitioner.
      The word mantra means mind deliverer. These mantras have the ability to deliver the mind from all those daily distractions that keep us from experiencing real peace and happiness. It has this ability because of the spiritual nature of the sound that makes up the mantra. The potency that comes from these spiritual sound vibrations brings a feeling of calm over the body and mind, and has a purifying and nourishing effect on you, the spirit soul.
Since the sound is the focus for the meditation, it is possible to do the practice just about anywhere and with any amount of time. Not only is this practice of mantra meditation extremely effective for all who do it, but it is also easy, convenient and fun.

      To learn more please join me at one of the upcoming classes.
It is part of the philosophy to make this practice available to everyone with out charge. Therefore, all classes are free.

I hope to see you at class soon!
Rob (801) 913-0880

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is Yoga?

     These days, yoga is one of the most popular words among those looking to develop a healthy lifestyle. We can easily find yoga classes almost anywhere in the world, and have our choice of what "style" of yoga we would like to do. A yoga practice can make us feel relaxed, energized, calm, focused, limber, strong etc. There are so many amazing physical and mental benefits that come from practicing yoga. But is this all, or does the yoga system have more to offer?
     Most people are aware that yoga came to the western world from India. In India, people have been practicing yoga for many thousands of years. These ancient yogis practiced yoga to achieve a variety of different results. When we think of practicing yoga, usually the physical practice of yoga postures, or asanas, is what comes to mind. This, however, is merely one part of the yoga system.
     The word yoga actually means union. The English word yoke, to join together, comes from the word yoga. Unlike the word yoke, yoga is more specific in its definition. Yoga specifically refers to the joining of the individual soul, jiva atma, with the Supreme Soul, Paramatma. The yoga system takes the practitioner through a step by step process from lifestyle habits to deep meditation on the Supreme. This process gradually develops one's understanding of who they are, what their nature and purpose is, and what their relationship with other individuals and God is. From the application of this understanding a person is freed from the anxieties of life and is reinstated in their natural position (yoga), bringing a deep sense of peace and happiness that can not be shaken by anyone or anything.
     To learn more about how to apply the system of yoga and receive all the great benifits a yoga practice has to offer, stop by one of the upcoming classes.
Rob 801-913-0880